Former Nyaope addicts retell story through radio drama.

Setleputlepu radio drama actors and former Nyaope addicts want to inspire hope in the community. The five local residents based in Hammanskraal, met during their two year stay at the South African National Council on Alcoholism (SANCA) rehabilitation centre and formed a group.

The members started performing plays during SANCA events and through outreach programmes in schools. The group consists of five boys namely Thabo Medupe (29) who is the producer, Thabang Shepalane(28)  who is the author of the drama, Tumelo Malope(25), Joshua Malatsi(30) and Mike Lebalo(25) as actors in the drama.

Author of their current drama series, Thabang Shepalane said everything started when they were still recovering at the rehab centre. “Most of the drama is centred on the dangers of the highly addictive nyaope, the main aim is to educate and make people learn about how bad the drug can ruin lives,” said Shepalane. Main character, Joshua Malatsi said he had been smoking nyaope for 10 years before being admitted to rehab.

He said he had hope that one day he will quit and he was picking up the pieces and plans to do so through storytelling on drug use. “It has not been an easy journey. I have missed so many opportunities in life. My parents were there to offer support but I rejected their efforts. I dropped out of school and only now do I realise that I wasted time,” explained Malatsi.

Shepalane said they currently struggle to raise funds but they still manage to give their time and go to the studio every day to produce the good work. “We wish to go to all media platforms as long as we can reach and educate people about the dangers of drugs,” he added.

Marry Medupi, Thabo’s mother said it was a surprise when she heard that her son went to rehab after sixteen years of struggle to keep him out of drugs. “It is possible. I never thought my son could come back to his senses, what I do now is to offer my support whenever is needed”.

Tumelo Malope, who acts as “Magalie” on the drama said his story character relates exactly to the way he used to live when he was still an addict.

“Working with the team is so nice, we are into one goal of success and correcting those who take wrong directions,” said Malope.


  1. That is great continue doing the good work to save South African kids.


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