
Showing posts from April, 2017

Youth for Survival Project Unblocks Community Potential

The Soshanguve Block H, Youth for Survival project started 10years ago by Mma Moshy Mathe who is the founder of the project that aims to provide support to women and children, Grandmothers of Soshanguve Block H have proven that age is just a number. It has been years since they joined the project. They are into sewing, planting crops and body exercises. “Behind the motive of the project the community can be empowered to live a life free from poverty, making them part of a dream achieving and talented society and to allow them partake into the community developments” says Mmabatho Molokomme, the care giver and social worker of Youth for survival. The working environment is not good, but yet they still manage to produce good products and do well. One of the participant,  said, “I have always been with the project, it has been years and not even a single day did I get bad comments about the project , We get to tour and compete with other projects out there to show case our di

House burnt to ashes with no water to stop the fire

One of the houses in Hammanskraal (Temba) got exposed to the fire. The community had long been complaining about poor service delivery in their area but no one bite back to their complains, due to shortage of water in the community, no one was able to assist, they all tried to pure soil to stop the house from burning but the fire burnt even more. Mmule Medupe (48), who is the owner of the house, said it was late around 5pm, on her way to get home from work, “I received a call from my neighbour telling me that my house was burning, I had no idea of what was going on as I was shocked and frustrated”. The six room house together with the garage was burnt to ashes. Some of the community members stated that, no one utters what really caused the fire but Mmule’s son is always under the influence of drugs due to that, they suspect him. Community members assisted where they could, they tried calling the Fire fighters to help stop the fire but with the delay, the fire ended up b

Minister Informs about the safety of children

The minister of Women in presidency, Susan Shabalala visited the community of Soshanguve on the 21 April 2017 at TK Motubatse Hall (Kopanong) in celebration of the #365 days of activism for non-violence against woman and children. Minister Shabalala said “The main purpose of the ‘Imbizo’ is to guide parents in monitoring their children’s lives, since cellphones has become a modern way of communication, our youth should be taught to use it for good purposes”. Students from Bokamoso Primary were invited to talk about how they feel about modern technology being used inappropriate. One of the students Sophy Mathebula (11) said parents should not allow their children to have all the freedom to themselves, instead they should monitor and make sure that they don’t use drugs nor involve themselves to bad influences”. Sphiwe Montlha, the local councillor of ward 37 said the way to monitor our children is to work together as the community and guide them. With the trending “Se

Bree Entertainment changes lives of the youth

The Hammanskraal Young talent’s project called Bree Entertainment (BE), changed many lives and still encourages more young people to join the band which has started three years ago, the project is all about Arts, media lovers as well as creative youth. “The aim of this project is to encourage the youth to follow up their talents and embrace their creativeness”, says Mokwadi, the founder of BE. Bree Entertainment offers Modelling, Drama, Music and creative arts. Their working environment is not good but yet they still manage to produce good talents and creative arts. BE is in collaboration with some of the well-known agencies around Pretoria. “We wish to collaborate with the biggest companies across the world, we encourage young people between the ages of 11 to 25 to join the world of entertainment and show-cast their talents”, says Bree Mokwadi, the founder of BE. Mrs Mabula, a mother to one of the BE participant said she is very grateful that there is a proj


The Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) Soshanguve female residences, CCT and TCE1 are taking a challenge on the 30 th  of March 2017 at TCE Stadium. Both teams are competing for the semi-final margin. Netball coach Sandile Banda said, “Every year these two residences takes the lead, it’s been four years since both teams started but no team has ever managed to take the league two years in a row”. The teams are now in a compressed space to take the lead because the team that wins the cup is going to the semi-finals to challenge the TUT GA-Rankuwa Netball players. Their Netball court is not in the good state but beyond every situation they face, they still manage to play the best games. The resident managers fully support these extra curriculum activities. Mr Mabuseng, the resident manager of CCT stated that these teams have done well in the previous games, with such history there is hope that they can take the cup in the finals. One of the players Karabo Mothata